1. Name
The name of the Society is ”WHITLEY BAY PANTOMIME SOCIETY”.
2. Status
The Society shall be an amateur association and shall consist of such categories of members as are specified in RULE 5 of the Constitution.
3. Objects
- The objects of the Society shall be to advance education for the benefit of the public in the arts, particularly but not exclusively the art of the theatre and pantomime and the associated skills of drama, mime, dance, singing and music.
- To make such grants and donations for such purposes as are charitable according to the laws of England and Wales as the trustees shall think fit.
4. Powers
To further the objects the Society has the power to:
- Recruit volunteers and employ and pay staff
- Work in partnership with other organisations
- Invest funds in any lawful way. Professional advice may be taken when necessary.
- Raise funds by any lawful means.
- Accept donations either for the general purposes of the Society or for a specific purpose within or connected with the objects.
- Do anything else within the law which promotes or helps the objects.
5. Membership
Membership of the Society shall be open to any individual (or organisation) interested in promoting the objects.
- Full Members
- The minimum age for membership shall be 16 or over by the 1st September in the year in which they apply. Members under the age of 18 have no voting rights. All other members in either acting or non-acting capacity in accordance with sub-section (f) hereunder and shall be entitled to vote at all general meetings.
- Associate Members
- Persons irrespective of age who are willing to assist the Society in a supporting role may be elected to associate membership on such terms as the Executive Committee shall decide. Persons so elected shall be entitled to attend, but not vote at general meetings of the Society and shall have no claim or charge upon assets of the Society but in all other respects shall be entitled to the privileges of full membership.
- Honorary Life Members
- Persons who have performed outstanding service to the Society over a substantial number of years may have conferred upon them by the Executive Committee the distinction of Honorary Life Membership. Such persons shall be entitled to all privileges of full membership but shall be relieved of any liability in respect of annual membership.
- Junior Members
- Persons under the age of 16 may be elected to the junior membership of the society at the discretion of the Executive Committee subject to the written consent of their parent or guardian. Such persons shall pay an annual subscription at the level set by the Annual General Meeting and shall be entitled to attend but not vote at general meetings of the Society and shall have no claim or charge whatsoever upon the assets of the Society.
- Patrons
- Patrons of the Society may be appointed on an annual basis on such terms as the Executive Committee may prescribe. The sole entitlement of persons thus appointed shall be in respect of priority booking facilities for the next annual pantomime.
- The procedure for election to full membership shall be as follows:
- Every candidate for full membership shall apply in writing to the Secretary and shall be liable to satisfy the Executive Committee as to the suitability of the candidate for full membership of the Society. The decision of the Executive Committee on this matter shall be final and no reason shall be given for that decision.
- Members shall pay an annual subscription at the level set by the Annual General Meeting and failure to do so by 1st November shall result in automatic suspension from participation in the activities of the Society until all arrears have been paid and the Executive Committee or its authorised representative lifts the suspension imposed.
- The Executive Committee may by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting, remove from membership any member whose continued membership is not deemed to be in the interests of the Society and no penalty or forfeiture shall be incurred by the Society in the exercise of this power at the instance of the person thus removed from membership. If he or she desires he/she may receive a personal hearing before the Executive Committee and be accompanied by a friend thereto who is not a solicitor.
6. Management
- The affairs of the Society, except in respect of those matters reserved under the rules for the general meeting, shall be managed by the Executive Committee. Each member of the Executive Committee will upon appointment, be registered with the Charity Commission as a designated Trustee of the Charity in whom the assets of the Society are vested for all purposes.
- The Executive Committee shall consist of the Society’s Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and not more than three full members. A quorum shall be three and the Committee shall have the power of co-option.
- All Executive Committee members, including office bearers shall be elected or confirmed in the office by a simple majority of those members present and voting at the Annual General Meeting of the Society. Members shall be eligible for re-election. Casual vacancies to the Executive Committee may be filled by co-option.
7. Finance
- The Treasurer shall be responsible to the Executive Committee for the receipt and payment of all monies relating to the Society’s affairs and shall cause to be kept such accurate and proper books of account, as will enable him or her at every Annual General Meeting, or upon reasonable notice present to the Executive Committee, a full and accurate report and statement concerning the finances of the Society.
- The Treasurer shall be empowered to give receipts for monies received, but cheques drawn upon the Society’s accounts shall be signed by the Treasurer and counter signed by the Chairman or other duly appointed signatory chosen from the Executive Committee.
- The financial year shall commence on the 1st April and end on the 31st March.
- The Executive Committee is empowered to hold, maintain and invest sums of money to be designated the Reserve Fund, and such fund to be used to meet financial contingencies as they arise. The Executive Committee shall be accountable therefore to the Annual General Meeting.
8. Annual General Meeting
- A general meeting of the Society to be known as the Annual General Meeting, shall be held not later than the 30th June of each year and written notice of the meeting together with copies of the balance sheet and agenda for the meeting shall be despatched to every member entitled to be present at the meeting at least 14 days before the said meeting.
- The business to be transacted at the Annual General Meeting shall be:
- to receive the reports of the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
- to appoint the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and not more than three further members of the Executive Committee.
- to transact such other business as it falls to the Society in its Annual General Meeting to dispose of.
- At all general meetings of the Society, voting shall be confined to those members who are eligible to vote under section 5 of the Constitution and Rules and every such member shall be entitled to be present and to cast one vote upon every question put to the vote. In the case of equality of voting the Chairman or his deputy shall have a second or casting vote. All voting shall, except where expressed elsewhere in these rules, be by a simple majority.
- Minutes of the proceedings of all general and committee meetings shall be kept in due form by the Secretary or a nominated deputy and be open to inspection by any member on reasonable notice.
9. Alteration of Rules
The Constitution and Rules of the Society may be added to, amended or replaced by a resolution of two-thirds majority of those present and voting at a general meeting of the Society. Proposals to alter the rules must be lodged in writing with the Secretary not later than TWENTY-EIGHT days before the meeting at which such proposals are to be considered.
10. Special General Meetings
The Secretary shall summon a special general meeting if required to do so by the Executive Committee or upon receipt of a written request specifying the nature of the business to be considered, which business shall be the sole item upon the agenda. Such request shall be signed by not fewer than EIGHT FULL MEMBERS. The said meeting shall be held within twenty-one days of the requisition or request respectively.
11. Conduct of Members
- No member of the Society shall receive payment directly or indirectly whether in money or in kind, from the Society for services except as agreed by the Executive Committee.
- member who has been authorised to incur expenditure on behalf of the Society shall be reimbursed on production of a proper receipt therefore.
- No member of the Society is empowered to enter into any Contract for goods, services or property either in real or personal without the express authority of the Executive Committee, except that nominated members may have delegated to them such powers and directions as are deemed necessary for them to carry out their functions in the interests of the Society.
12. Members Suggestions
Any member may at any time in writing request the Secretary to bring any matter relating to the business of the Society before the appropriate committee for consideration. The decision of that committee shall be final and not subject to explanation or appeal.
13. Disolution of the Society
- The Society shall be dissolved upon a resolution to that effect passed by a two-thirds majority of those members present and voting at a general meeting of the Society.
- The members of the committee will remain in office as Trustees and will be responsible for the orderly winding up of the Society’s affairs.
- After making provisions for all outstanding debts and liabilities, the Trustees must apply the remaining property, assets and funds in the following way:- by transfer to one or more bodies established exclusively with the same or similar objects.
- A final report and statement of accounts must be sent to persons who were members at the date of dissolution.
14. Disputes
Any disputes relating to the construction and interpretation of the Constitution and Rules shall be referred to the Executive Committee whose decision shall be final.
15. Distribution
A copy of the Constitution and Rules shall be supplied to each member of the Society whose assent thereto shall by signified by payment of the subscription currently in force for that class of member.
Chairman: Steven Linsdell-Bell
Secretary: David Linsdell-Bell
Treasurer: Judith Cairncross
Date: 08 September 2019